Giants have a layer in the stones. Brought to you by, Lithic Literature.

 The GIANT Layer.
brought to you by 
Lithic Literature

  I am starting with a little catchup session. I just completed producing a magazine style presentation introducing the fishhook layer. I was prompted by the knowledge of a study on that subject at my local university. I am happy to report that it was a wise suggestion. The fishhook story is incredible. I may have to return to the university with my little fishhook book and request a quick review and maybe garner some insight into what focus would better serve the activity in the archeology dept. I also have developed some beautiful images that support the use of the design by earlier civilizations to record and communicate their stories and contribute to the design. Images like Venus figurines and other identifiable subjects are derived from art history, enhanced and tweaked by early humans to represent particular cultures in these new images. With the book and prints of the images, I may have enough interest in my work to warrant an Art exhibit in one of the dark, cave like corridors of the  historical building housing the department. We will see. 

   While I wait for delivery, there is no time to lose. Although looking at the fishhook has been captivating, and I would be most content following the activity around the hook, the idea of giants has been haunting me. I would like to use this article to unload some of this haunting distraction by confronting the giant layer. I have been turning a blind eye mostly because I want to be taken seriously, yet by doing that I am creating a disservice to my mission. By highlighting the giant human's contributions to the hook, I feel like I am being as honest as I can be in my documenting. I will continue to add links to videos that may enhance our imagination to all the possibilities. I want to ask for forgiveness from folks that may be offended by my material. I have tried to keep it all secular to best serve humankind. By recording an observational study that include my perspectives, I may start to demonstrate for all interested, that this design works well as a structure for humans to use to communicate. 

 As a trained artist with a background in intaglio printmaking I have a trained eye for following the human mark. I am sure I am not the only one who is looking at this material. We have compared the works from previous artist such as Michelangelo and DaVinci as they competed with each other while rendering biblical content to please the pope using the elements of this very structure. I am not the only artist that has picked up on this aspect of the design, which is it can be plotted out like a map, and like a map, the information can then be transferred. The structure is a design on a coordinate system that uses the fractal design as function to organize material. I have included a print by Escher. I have no issues with believing that he was privy to the design and saw the movement. In order to share as much data as possible on a coordinate system, a design that works as a function, and that allows artist to add perspective with pre-laid pathways was created by the ancients. Think of music for a moment, and how it is structured around the scale and chords that are standardized for communication purposes. This design is similar in the way it was very structured and standardized in order to ensure the capacity to share and transfer data. The ability of increased surface area with the understanding of foreshortening and scale allowed an increase of data. 

  Although the approach to documenting the layers in the design is very different, I am convinced that we were both looking at the design as a mystery to be solved. I fully accepted that we are looking at the same designed as Escher. cool😎. I have been using the chameleon to map out the design for a long time and often use Escher's use of fractals and negative space to describe the organization of data in the design, but I had not put them together as well as Escher did in his print, but I managed a good gif. In all honesty, I had forgotten about Escher's chameleon and giggled when it resurfaced. There are a lot of moments like this as anyone with an art education can appreciate and I encourage anyone to look. I can go on about many other artist but what I really want, is to get to the giants. I add a link to more on other artist using the design as a template for their work.


I discuss the chameleon in the stone in the link.

Now that we have opened our minds to the idea that this is a volume in human history covered by Lithic Literature, we can rationalize that it should not be forgotten and is a way to gain knowledge and understanding. In this article I will be making sense of what appears to be giant cannibals. The giant is not a new idea to us. We see the occurrence of giants in many cultures. My first encounter with giants was in the dark hall of Buddhist Hell at the Tiger Balm Park in Singapore. In grade school it was a favorite playground. In the images posted we can see that most of the butchering, tenderizing and cooking of the humans is done by what appear to be giants.

  When exploring the design, I have taken the attitude that the experience is not far from using an old fashion set of encyclopedia. Although you initially start with the alphabet there are many threads in the collection. As you page through the collection of your encyclopedia, you will pass through many subjects as you approach your destination. The design does offer that same experience when approached with the right mindset. It also provides objectivity but the platform is a structure. We can talk about sentence structure...where I obviously have little aptitude 😐, or we can explore the matrix of the design developed by man in Lithic Literature. Please, lets talk about the latterπŸ˜‡, we can work on sentence structure another day. 

  Once I had accepted that many of the renown artist in history were employing elements of the design to enhance their work, I saw their compositions as a page/layer out of Lithic Literature.  Having a lot of the problems of translating the 3-D environment into a 2-D design, such as foreshortening and perspective lines, etc. already solved and established in a plethora of subjects, saves any artist time as they figure out the best composition for their work. I believe Goya was not any different as his Saturn reemerges  into the human psyche. The idea that man would eat his offspring in order to stay in power feeds into the many issues of size. If you can imagine this behavioral pattern would end the lineage. Many times, with power changes, value systems and behavior changes are not far behind. A possible common denominator is insular gigantism. Some folks call it island gigantism or in a social setting it can be a big fish in a small pond. In any case, we may have had a giant version of ourselves feeding on our smaller versions. "Yikes!" 

  I have been working on deciphering this design with an open mind and heart. I am more of a supporter of self-consciousness rather than egotism and avoid judgement and instead document. Rather than speculating on the story of Saturn I am going to look from a possible historical perspective. The design has not let me down yet, and once I confronted the pattern of the giant as a layer in the stone, the giant started lurking everywhere. 

Giants have a layer in the stones. 

I have pointed out that using perspective is an important tool when making your way through the design. I do believe there are intuitions that allow us to view some of the pathways but adding some understanding in the artist techniques to produce these pathways can still be learned by having exposure to the use of academic drawing techniques used to illustrate. 

  Going back and checking how a new pattern fits into earlier documentation is one affirmation for this study. By finding other layers and stones referencing the same subject, it can lock the subject into the design. There is one location where the layer of the cave and it inhabitants are clearly described. I am thinking if I can go back to that site and see if the giant is included in the layer. We are going on a giant hunt and it looks like the sands offer a plan to take the giant down. The article about fossilized sands in Africa has allowed me to distill the design of the confrontation between humans and other cave dwellers.

I have found that the design can actually be broken down in to a series of images perfect for animation. I believe artist like Disney were making use of this ancient innovation to create. I have experimented with the same. Using ancient art and the design in the stones I think I have come up with some telling images and clips.  

  In the images above from the article,  the humans looking for a cave are confronted by competition. Of course the cave bear has to be subdued and we can see the humans employing ropes. The use of ropes can not be overstated. We talked about rope making in the article about the fishhook. You can see the bear looks pretty annoyed by the prospect of being lassoed, tied-up and dragged out of it's cave. You can spot additional competition with a large cat which include saber tooth and cave lion, etc. Also a reminder for you cave dwellers, make sure you tie up your braids before your cave lion hunt. You do not need to get tangled up with the beast. 

 The question we are ask here is whether there were any pesky giants in the mix. I was trying to imagine a hey day for giants. Was there a hey day for giants? Was there a time when they ruled and were at the head of the cutting edge? Academia offers little here. The main stream seems convinced there were no human giants and that we are at the zenith of our stature today. After inspecting the layer of giants in the stone, I am thinking the Smithsonian is holding back and rewriting history as crusaders trying to claim the promised land. I will gladly call their bluff. There are not only giants, but cannibalistic giants😱 and here in this cave there appears to be a giant! I have been wondering if the giantism was  a short lived or small localized population. If the giant is truly present at the time the fossilized sand carving was created, and included in the composition, the artist might have known of giants existence at some level. Maybe😏

  Finding the movement and pathways in the design and mapping it out for others is not easy. Sometimes I get way ahead of myself and need to tighten the blinders in order to make it through an article. The fun part of being part of the study is that I am discovering material as I document. It is very exciting to be discovering material that has not been seen for a long time. Using a cutout of  Goya's rendition off the Saturn, which I believe was lifted from the design, I have created a GIF. Using the fractal design typical of Lithic Literature, I have arranged the giant form. Like a printmaker with a stamp, I pasted and repasted the cutout in a preset pattern. Spirals are one of the many patterns as well as weaving/braided patterns that can provide additional platforms. The amount of abstract thought needed to hold this imagery together and transfer on to a medium is enormous. 

I am so delighted to have the ability to share the GIF with you. I strongly suggest that you watch it a few times. I am using the image of the fossilized sands as the template for applying the giant stamp. This is not the first time we have seen this fancy trick. You should be surprised to see all sorts of furries. There are cattle, bear, oxen, mammoth, rabbit, sabretooth and many others, and they look like they belong in the Pleistocene epoch! I have isolated a few of the images for you to see it my highlighting helps those new to this content. If someone is having a Mammoth Monday there are some good sightings here in Africa. The humans that contributed to this design in the fossilized sands had a lot on their minds. The food chain was fierce. In the pattern below established by the cutout and the lines in the sand, a parade of animals steps in line. The Wooley rhino, and maybe a Siberian Unicorn? I may have actually spotted a giant sloth. Everyone gets all bent out of shape about sloths out of the new world. Well, maybe the new world is not so new and we are still recovering from some sad manmade bottleneck created by those who try to rewrite history and sever the conscious mind from its own design. For those who may not follow and are frustrated I have isolated a possible canine form. There are many more as the wolf family makes it way through.   


Here I have brought back the original image from the article. Here is good time to take a little break and freshen up with a hot sip of coffee⛾🍢. It will help clear your mind, like unplugging the computer and then rebooting. When you return, take a fresh look at the sands below and document what you see somehow that works for you. There is so much material here, there is enough for anyone and everyone. 

There is another site where I came across the giant. I was really minding my own business following the birth of what I am referring to as the Venus. You can call her anything you like, it is what works for me here. I am here along the Maine coast. The Maine coast has gone through some drastic changes as glaciers came and went. This is where we find our monumental human. Here she looks well groomed and appears to have a cordial relationship with a smaller version. 

  This site is incredible. It is a huge granite cropping not far from where I worked as a youth. I think its important to protect sites by not broadcasting locations, so with that said, I am here on the coast of Maine looking at giants. I was mapping out what I thought was the mother with child but each time I thought I had her she turned out to be a stage in the babies development. When I finally got to the mother, she was a giant. Not only are the humans giant here, so are the bears. You can follow the different bears stacked like a totem/nesting dolls. I found what looks like a huge polar bear. If you look at the zenith of the cropping you can spot the bear looking to the left. The bear looks engorged. Just below the top bear's head, is our giantess. She has chosen this engorged bear to make her cloak. In very cold climates it is worth putting on a few pounds in the fall to cushion you through the lean winter. It appears that the giant female may have mimicked the bear and put on a few pounds herself.  There is one thing in common amongst most Venuses and that is having multiple choices for buttock size.

   I wish I could look through trees 😐. I have found a pattern of butterfly announcing the new baby Venus. I have also found the honeybee. The new pattern here for me is the little lady in the trapeze highlighted in pink. I had been identifying her as the Raptormaiden, and now I may have a little more input. If we are taking giants seriously, and I think we should, this is an opportunity to scale the giant and the Raptormaiden. There are times when humans showed a tendency for sexual dimorphism. During this period the female was benefiting being small. If she using large birds for flight, being slight would be an asset. If you were a giant you would not always have access to honey way up in the tree. So I am thinking that there may have been some room for bartering between the honey loving giant and the high flying Raptormaiden. "I'll be your best friend if you fetch me some more honey🍯🐝.

 I love looking for other artists attempts at deciphering the design that often gives the subject in multiple position to illustrate the action. Here we have Chagall doing his thing with the trapeze artist. If you look carefully you will note that it shows the legs in multiple position for the legs as the she extends and then pumps her legs back to drive the swing, and she fits right in the design. After cutting out the little swinger I dropped her on top of our little Raptormaiden.  

I am enjoying the comradery between the extremes here. We may be looking at the smallest and largest females of the human species. The little Raptormaiden is a good hairstylist and is helping braid the giants crazy hair while the giantess nurses her big baby. In a world where other giants are eager to hunt humans for dinner, having a giant honey loving client may be a survival strategy.

The ability to express motion is impressive. Like the swinger pumping her legs to swing the giant is now standing back-to. The Raptormaiden has done a beautiful job getting that giant mass of hair under control. I think she even added some floral touches. The giant mother is done nursing and has her baby in a backpack with what could be groceries and looking lovely. 

 Like a Japanese Kabuki act, with a hop and a skip our giant changes direction again. These ladies where fashion minded and the frock with the laces up the front with the long braids appear soft like glove leather. The layer look over the bodice and the feathery longer fur as the skirt all look amazing. For just having a baby this giant is looking good. The giantess looks over her shoulder to see her sidekick flying in with her devout raptor. If she brought the honey and the eggs our giantess obviously  has plenty of milk, I think these ladies are planning a honey omelet lunch. It is the baby giants favorite.  

  The giant appears to have everything going to make the omelets with the Raptormaiden's contributions. At this point, is where I felt it was important to acknowledge the giants. When presenting the fishhook layer in my previous article, we talked about how humans mimicked actions of other animals to design tools that worked for them. I think that we were watching the giants and picked up a few tricks such as the drill. The stones go out of their way to give credit where credit is due. If there is a certain creature and function collaboration, like a bird's beak and the point, the designer's portrait will be in the same layer. That's what I am noting here. The way the giantess can whip up that omelet is first class. You only need a little fire to cook the omelet and with the drill to start a flame we will be in for a delicious treat. I would not be surprised if this lovely recipe for custard is not the oldest recipe. As the tiny Raptormaiden recants her adventure of gathering the warm fresh goose egg and avoiding the bee stings collecting honeycomb, the three happily slurped and licked their sticky fingers. From here I have to give the giant credit for the drill. Do you think the Smithsonian have been misleading us? Life has a way of revealing the truth. It may take a long time but eventually the liar ends up looking shameful. I have a hard time not giving the giants credit for the first custard recipe and the drill. 

  Look at her go, she can spin up a storm. As we mentioned earlier these ladies were fashion conscious and need twine and laces.  A spinning wheel would make that all go faster. The equipment for honey collectors entails some fine designing. I am thinking these two ladies collaborated on many inventions and adventures collecting as much honey as they could, maybe even get the that corner of the market. Honey was gold. No wonder these two ladies look so dandy. 

❤️😁 love this one! If you take a moment and look in the spinner you can see a female warrior in a defensive pose. I have been conjuring a society where there may have been a giantess (queen bee) that had some organization skills, along with the mini raptormaidens (worker bees) with knife skills, hookup as a killer team to create an independent society of women. With the capacity for flight and the super strength of giants this duo created the honey empire during the bird and egg era. Its beginning to fall together. 

  After having such a lovely lunch exchanging recipes with these two earlier version of ourselves, I am definitely going to have to contradict the Smithsonian and say that there were some very nice giants. Some not so nice but they were creative and contributed to the story in the stones. Next time you pick up a stone that is obviously a tool but is humongous in your hand, it is possible that it once belonged to someone a lot bigger than you. We all know there are some pretty big tools out there. I am going to return you to the original and let you look around on your own. If you see something else, no worries, go with it. document. If you see anything at all, my time has not been wasted and I promise, neither has yours. your brain will enjoy this.   

This next giant seems to have some of the same good natured qualities as the one I spotted on the Maine coast. I noticed her when discovering some images of the some of the larger stones belonging to Stonehenge. I brought in the article when discussing the stones in this blog.

This article is getting longer and demanding on the attention span, but hang on, this one will be fun. I have to give some attention of those surfaces that have been identified as manmade. Here at Stonehenge we can spot the lady with the long braids cascading down her back like a pair of wooly mammoths snuggling. Her braids follow the small of her back as she multitasks to survive. The monument describes a lot about this character. You can see extensive movements involving her upper extremities. You can see her with a bow and arrow as she flexes to engage. With a small adjustment she is cradling her infant and nursing. You can see she appears to be wearing a helmet. I do believe that making a helmet from another larger human or maybe an ancestor, was a must and was a common practice of early humans at some point. If there was a sabretooth infestation in your neighborhood, it was a first line of defense. You can spend a life time right here and document. I hope someone does. 

Here comes the good part. A short while ago this beautiful tryptic popped into my radar again and this time I am taking the red haired giantess for a walk. Is this one of those moments when the stone wants to give credit to the creator/inventor and the giantess is the builder and designer? Wow, wouldn't that be something. please check out below and see the giantess come to life as she sizes up the stone to see if she likes the way it's headed.  

I am so happy to bring you here. For me, this is what dreams are made of. You can see the giants going berserk finding the smaller version of themselves as quarry. You can also explore the more tender existence of the humans as they interact with other versions of themselves to raise their life experience as a whole. In the end that is what we have here. A record with many options that are available for humans to survive. You can look into the design like many did before us, and look for examples  to learn from. These stories etched in stone have been collected and organized by humans for our benefit. The GIF below gives you some of the movement found in the monument. 


 I have included the different stills that were included in the GIF. I have also included a few other sightings and there are many more. I feel successful in this hunt for giants. We see that with the right attitude we can get along with anyone. I will continue this experiment disregarding the Smithsonian's stance that they know nothing about giants. I am being more honest by discussing the figure of the giant rather than thinking it is a taboo only to protect the lies of others. 

  Note that in the initial sketching the monumental hands and feet can be made out. You can see the toes of the larger version along the top lintel. 

Thank you for looking.


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