The Batman story in the Stones. Brought to you by Lithic Literature.


Created by projecting the transparent image of the broken bust found with Nefertiti on the Babble stele

The Batman story in the Stones.

Brought to you by Lithic Literature.

We recognize Batman surrounded by bats, with the bat signal casted out from his lair. He appears as a tall lanky man with bloody gums and missing teeth. The first thing that came to mind was the Count Dracula image most can identify. Now, what if I said there is a very different side to this story? It is the story of human survival.

Image lifted from the volcanic stone cropping on Terceira Island.

The bat man first caught my attention when exploring the story of the Raptormaiden. The characters of the Raptormaiden and Batman have a alter ego feel to them. If our psyche is needing a pep talk, these folks can have insight to how to proceed. This story is not for the faint at heart. It requires us to get close to the stones where humans started to carve out their existence. The Batman has the leading role in the story about scurvy. I have to give it up here, the story about a great flood and how to survive such an event is a topic of the design. Scurvy is symptoms of lack of vitamin C and is a big topic in Lithic Literature. I have made an effort to show a search for scurvy below. It includes information on the human body and its inability to produce the vitamin C and how it needs to have it included in the diet. It includes the English sailor needing to bring limes to supply that vitamin C which is crucial for tissue regeneration. Without vitamin C wounds will not repair nor can the body recover from the regular wear and tear. It is the fast generating tissue that will be effected first such as mouth and other epithelial cells. What I am getting at is that Batman may have been a batman but not Dracula. Nice try guys! The story is pointing to Batman the sailor out in the open sea for long enough periods to suffer the consequences of scurvy. I know! I am relieved that I do not have to worry about vampires and instead follow the rule of an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

For my husband that requires internet search for every one of my observations

An earlier group of stone readers looking at Lithic Literature as we are now, but instead of looking for history, they sought for new messages for the masses that might garner them some new profits from followers. Knowing the stones had imagery that is deeply imbedded in human memory, some of these earlier folks cherrypicked the images to best suit their needs to hoodwink the unsuspecting masses. The story of Adam and Eve and the infamous apple is more about the cure for scurvy. In the First testament the life giving force of vitamin C is tarnished to become the poison apple in the garden of Eden. You can imagine that if you were in the torrid zone and you were floating on a pile of coconuts you would be doing good. If you were out of coconuts or launched from colder temperate areas without coconuts, bringing an apple tree could sustain your vitamin C, but as all good sailors know there are many other treacherous scenarios when out on the open sea.

A page of lithic literature lifted from the volcanic stones of the Azores

The imagery of the cast of characters portraying Batman/Dragon is a possible description of the politics of early humans and the highly sought real-estate; the cave. Those humans that where able to find the higher ground during the flood may find most of that real-estate already taken. This description of different types of humans can be transferred to the story of the Dragon King. There are different dragon kings that come into focus as you make your way around the design. This pattern can also be spied on the image of the broken bust of Nefertiti and the Babble Stele overlay. The pattern can be followed on the left half of the image following the palms of the coconut tree. For more in formation on the broken bust please click below

Below are a few links that give a wider view of the different batman/Dragon King/early human overlap. 

The stele from the Canary Islands shown below, has it all. There are many stones with information that have not been identified which makes them vulnerable to destruction. This is one of my motivations to write. It certainly is not to show off my writing skills, but it must be done in order to document this material.

Highlights of the Canary Island stele.

In previous stone stories brought to you by Lithic Literature😏, we really got into the history of the Venus. I mostly needed to get her story out because there is a tendency to overlook the female form as an active participant in the making of modern man. Now that we know better I think it is a good time to get to know her other half, the Batman/dragon king. He has a story in lithic literature as well. Part of his design portrays him as a climber. He climbs from out of the birth canal to attach himself to his mother’s breast, he climbs up the cliff to collect a coveted large egg, he climbs out of the water on to land or side of a boat. With a good eye you can observe the climber repeated over the design as he makes way. I find him pointing at bats and munching them down. He even indicates it is best to throw away the wings. I have in included a link to the National Geographic video of a present day batman to get you in the mood below. We are going into the world of Batman as we say goodbye to summer🦇🦇🦇🌚 .

I come from a background of science and art. I have applied myself as a teacher with some success. There are different ways to use the imagination. We often think of fantasy or pulp fiction as a product of the imagination, but the imagination also is a super helper in science. As we imagine an experiment, we picture in our mind’s eye how we will set up the apparatus and even imagine the results. Sometimes we are satisfied with that result and continue, other times it requires us to test the theory and actually perform the experiment. Documenting this material is in a way carrying out an experiment. For this experiment we need to put our misconceptions and fears about pareidolia to one side. For a moment see it as a gift of our earlier ancestors as they organized the world around them. As they organized the data they collected they developed imagery to communicate and record. This also organized brain development. In other words, our brains are entangled with the images of the early humans. This is the premise for this blog, and so far it is working. 

Who is this batman? Why is he so much into bats? How did he end up in the same boat with the Raptor Maiden? Yup, you could say that according to Lithic Literature they were literally in the same boat. It behooves us to look at their situation because at least they were smart enough to bring a paddle and coconuts as we find ourselves possibly up a similar creek.

Brito may want to hop on the guffa to avoid the sharks. It is a good thing they are floating on a pile of coconuts and have an ample supply of fluid and nutrition. The spear and paddle are handy. Always be ready to make repairs.
Maria Brito of Terceira Island as our guide.

Below are some of my favorite Batman lairs. 

Batman lairs form Spain, Mt Brazil, and Terceira Island.

The batman is a long lanky fellow that appears to follow bats as they migrate as his resource. I thought I might capture the man at the pinnacle of the monument since he is one the taller of the figures offered in the design. I assure you there is logic to all of this if you follow the perspective. The early artist were great at perspective. One sure rule is the bigger the boat the smaller the human. With a good eye you can match the boat with the crew. This is where I may have taken a wrong turn, but I think I can salvage and make use of this first attempt. I did come across a problem on how big to make his female companion’s bottom. This is a common occurrence with the Venus figure. I am also picking up the apple offering to curb scurvy, but not with out a lesson about the consequences of not having access to vitamin c on a long ocean voyage. The ability to recover from near death by eating an apple can be described by imagery from Lazarus as well as Adam and the apple. Give a thumbs up to the raptor maiden for saving mankind from the top of the Azores.

Did Van Gogh reach out to the design in the stone to look for fodder for his work? That is a story for another time.

I am sure I am not the only artist that worked from the design. As we have pointed out Lithic literature has been evolving with the human and is still part of us today. Lithic literature recognizes different humans and their contributions to the design over human existence. The body of Lazarus is reclined position in both images above. In the design one can follow the palm of the coconut as it grows also carries the upper body of Lazarus as he rises to an up right position to start joining his new partner in their quest for the survival of mankind. Look out for those pesky sharks! The Raptor maiden clutches the infant as she aims past Batman’s head with a powerful right jab knocking away the breaching great white. This is another great moment in human history brought to you by lithic literature.

I want to point out how our recent musings of Venus seem to overlook that she not only discovered the floating Lazarus and revived him, but also protected him form shark attacks while breast feeding the coming of modern man. The recovered Batman is doing his part eating apples and fending off sharks with a spear. I won’t begin to talk about the giant octopus that seems interested in a human brunch as well.

I have been putting together the batman/Dragon King story while trying to make my way from our earliest ancestors as they applied themselves to save mankind. Below is more about the profiles of the Dragon king as he makes is way through the design. Thank you again for looking.


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