The information on the t-pillars is layered as Venus expands to full size.

  I have been looking at the Gobelki Tepe site off and on. I started with the stone totem pole. It was a convenient choice when communicating the information on the stones. I focus on Gobekli site because there is some agreement it is man made, and dates. Below, I have included a link to that blog. Please review to save on repeating material.

   There are promising signs that folks are catching on to the patterns that shed light on the pictorial language used by the ancients. The revelations are in their infancy, able to only pick up the subjects, like a toddler learning to speak, pointing to the family mascot and stating DOG! I can only keep encouraging. The images carry on like sentences. The story line carries out like smoke through out the composition. The initial subject viewed is the beginning of  a long pictorial, reference like, narrative.
 As a female, I know what I contribute to society. In the more recent publications about the discoveries at the Gobekli Tepe site, it has been confirmed that no female figures have been deciphered. As a well educated individual, I am well aware of how the story goes with academia and recognizing the female form, whether in flesh and blood, or stone. So here I hope to use this blog to emphasize the importance of the female image in the design that is before them. 

  I started following an image of a small statured female, with red tinged dreadlocks here on the stones on the eastern coast of  US. I was then exposed to some stones on the Azores, and was thrilled to see her there too. I will spend more time covering the topic of the raptor maiden on the Azores in my next blog. I am taking the time to cover brand new material in real time. There is a pattern in the design that reveals the story of the Venus. I believe the diminutive female is part of the lifecycle of the Venus. The design in the stones follow a pattern of including the lifecycle of the subject. In this case the raptor maiden, she is the adolescente form of Venus. The Raptor Maiden is often portrayed with a large proboscis and expansive toothy smile with receding chin. She is associated with the raising large raptors, and  later training them for flight. This female super ego often carries a staff.  The maiden uses the staff as a perch for herself when up in the air with her raptor, and may have been used for steering. In the images in the design you can pick up the wooden staff with the raptor clasping the wooden staff in in its talons as the maiden holds on below.  
  I Although I do not tend to travel due to environmental concerns, I did travel to the Azores. I was there mostly to meet my gracious colleague Maria Antonieta Mendes Costa, whom is referred to as Mendes in these blogs.  I was also there to collect photographs of stones. Having good copies of images for study are not easy to find. With the devil in the details, I was thrilled to also find some more recent photos with greater resolution of the t-pillars. The female form is easily picked up. I see both  the stone totem pole  and the t-pillars  of Gobekli Tepe laden with the female form.

 I was able to start mapping out some of the layers of design applied to the surface of the t-pillars by earlier humans with a photo with great resolution. I feel even stronger that Gobekli Tepe is learning center/library rather than some religious center. Every stone is an encyclopedia rather than a bible. The raised hands are reaching out of the water from a great flood, rather than religious posture.  Present academia insist on projecting religious themes on to our ancestors. The Bible is a more recent interpretation of the stones. It minimizes the female and demonizes her role. It weaves fear and holds humans hostage in its stories, such as Jonah and the Whale, and the story of Eve.  I know if we look we can find many of additional interpretations of the stones throughout the ages. I am hoping that we can look again. I think we are at a new place where we can re visit the design. We have learned more about ourselves. Can we re-apply all we know, including artificial intelligence, to further explore and document this material? More than all, is the importance of humanity to be aware of it's history and meet their heroes. We have a long history of great intelligence and capacity to record and document our story. We need knowledge of this history to be whole.    

  Above is a garden stone from the east coast of  state of Maine. It is an adz. A tool that could be hafted as well as used as hand tool. It is a tool made for large hands. There is heft to it. It is a strong link between Maine coast, the Azores, and Anatolia when the subject matter on the surfaces is compared. The rhyolite stone is ergonomically beautiful with built in instructions. It also carries stories to remind us of a good life. I was looking for the flying maiden with a trained giant bird for flight. I was happy to find that. I also picked up a new pattern. In many of the artifacts there is a pattern of the raptor maiden increases in girth. You can see her attendants helpless behind her. Many of the raptor maidens seem to mature before your eyes into what you find in the statuette from Anatolia and images of the Venus. 

  What is meant by "the good life", is the tendency for the design to communicate dangers and possible paths to resolution of pending problem. Here, the pending problem seems to be obesity. The design links eggs and birds to the expanding female. I have mapped out some of the trail of eggs of different sizes. I can pick up some action as the maiden brings eggs to her mouth to eat. This seems to indicate a bird and egg culture that may have started to crumble under its own weight.  

On the surface of the Adz from Maine I have mapped out the young Raptor Maiden at a normal weight for her stature.

In the image below the young raptor maiden can be seen looking to the left. She stands surrounded by birds as they too mature from egg to large flying raptor that has been highlighted in white. There are many other birds in the layers of information. Geese and other waterfowl can be found but for this moment try to hold on to the large raptors as they mature under the guiding hands of the raptor maiden.

Somehow this young raptor maiden can be seen increasing in girth. 

  The same pattern can be found on the surface of t-pillar of Gobekli Tepe. There is an additional clue to the cause of her sudden gain in girth. Notice in the image below that she is actually handling an egg as she brings it to her mouth. 

  The raptor maiden I have been following tends to carry a head of reddish braids. As in most of the layered material, the designer will over lap a feature of one subject with a similar feature of another. Features like the horns of a ram, a mane of a lion, the tentacles of the octopus, and the coils of a snake can all be linked in a single spiral shape. The ancient artist has employed the red braids of raptor maiden to describe a nest of snakes emerging. You can follow the braided hair design and find it all describes a explosion of snake forms. The female head covered with snakes that turns all of those who see her to stone could have been usurped by early Greeks as  Medusa. In the Hittite sphinx below the same pattern of the braided hair maiden eating eggs as she expands in girth, can be found with a nest of snakes in red.

I have mapped out the egg trail before on a site on the Azores. It works as a catalogue of birds and their egg size.   After mapping out the egg trail the large snake emerges. Again you see snakes hatching out of eggs. you can find the snake shedding. With an open mind one can read the snake activity feeding on different prey which seems to include everything😟.

I continue to map out trail of eggs and birds on the adz from Maine. Here too, I find the egg trail follows the serpent design. For a bird/egg society an invasion of snakes would be catastrophic. You can find the snake form wrapped around the bird in flight. If the snake does not die, it becomes a dispersal mechanism. The snake gets transported to the birds nest to survive to eat the eggs and young. 

  With a free ride on the right bird the snakes could migrate along with the flock. It would be hard to escape the invasion. If this scenario is a true passage then that may also explain the demise of the bird/egg culture. I continue on with the egg trail on the t-pillar and find they have the same patterns. 

Although there is a lot more to decipher on all of these stones, I will stop at this point. I am hoping that I have nudged the archeologist of Gobekli Tepe  to open their minds to the information covering the stones around the world. I hope I can encourage folks to look again and see how the female form looms large in Gobekli Tepe. Thank you again for looking. Please keep looking. I left a few new studies among the ones we have reviewed at the end. feel free to scroll through. feel free to download and add material.


Thank you for looking💓


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