Tracking down Lithic-Literature: Stones in the Americas dating back at least 20,000 years and they are amazing . Part I.
Skating on thin ice and discovering an incredible world.
I am confident what I am finding is falling into place, but what a place it is! The time line for the artifacts is growing. With some agreement on the dates of some of the artifacts going back to at least 20,000 years in North America. We have artifacts coming from Africa dating back over 1million years to Erectus. We also have some interesting timeline adjustments with new a-DNA findings. With the artifacts and timelines we are better equipped to explore when this Lithic Literature began to take hold. But before we dive into that topic, I would like to comment about thin ice I referred to earlier.
The cool thing about thin ice at times is the clarity. You can feel the ice bend as you skate. As all rushes before you, skimming on top a clear vision of the underwater landscape. This feeling occurs at times when looking at certain archeological sites. Some refer to the feeling as being out on a limb. In any case it is an adrenalin rush. Like thin ice, the limb gives a greater view, but one needs to be a little agile and carry little baggage to pull it off.
One of these such sites is on the Azores, known for its volcanic activity. Some work actually looks like someone manipulated lava into designs prior to cooling. The manipulated basalt looks as it was soft when worked. It could be just erosion over the immense timeline, but even then basalt is super hard. It could also be some pretty crafty and resourceful ancient Human engineers. I feel like the further back we go, the smarter we get. 😅 The image below is that basalt formation from the Azores. Feel free to zoom in and inspect. We are not out on a limb yet, but I am inching out there. If we are looking at designs created with molten lava, then the ancient artist/engineer was able to manipulate lava flows. Could this explain formations of the actual islands, and land formations that start echoing the same designs as the tools and other man made designs. Can all this be actually be possible? Were Humans manipulating lava and land formation at some point? I was looking at ports with built in breakwaters that looked design. So hang on and join me out on the limb where the view is amazing.
In the image above, please zoom in and inspect the perforated line. It actually looks like it was created at a time when the stone was partially molten. The rock is now a very hard basalt. The basalt is wonderful in that it is so hard it will not erode easily. This is the only image we have to work at this time, but i assure you it has layers of information rendered by some very creative, resourceful, ancient humans. I am not saying humans are less intelligent today, but I am suggesting that humans have been super smart and creative in the past. What is obvious is that we are not necessarily the smartest humans on the block.
In the image below I have adjusted the lighting. I hope this brings into focus, the bas relief style sculpture created by ancient humans. Take a good look. Try pick up on the artist's marks and intent. This is another emotional moment. Once you accept this as human marks, you are retracing humans thoughts. You are momentarily linked to that ancient human.
Below is a good place to start on the design. It definitely has the layered images consistent with patterns in other works using this technique of communication. Most people like birds. Below there are many. I have highlighted what appears to be a raptor, then some sort of skimmer and then a sea duck. If you look below you have a choice of talons or webbed feet, depending on the bird you are researching. The artist were comfortable with anatomy making it easier to identify birds, although there may be extinct versions of what we see today. The birds are fun, and there are a lot of them. You could spend time picking them out. I am not greedy, I have left many bird forms with nest, eggs, embryos, fledglings and so on. Please enjoy.
I encourage anyone interested in zooming in and out in the image above. It really helps to change the orientation as the brain takes on visual information. If you did zoom in by chance you may have noticed that I also highlighted in blue, a human form in a small skin kayak and long paddle. You can take in the ocean waves as the swell lifts the small craft. You can follow the paddling action of the human.
It would be helpful to have an image that panned out to include the complete design. I do not have access to the full mast and full hull of larger boat designs. It is my excuse for the next image, I do not think I have it yet, but I do like the gnarly nosed sailor with big hand on what appears to be a large rolled skin/hide. One can imagine that it could be applied as a sail or an awning, depending on the weather. The other hand of the gnarly nosed sailor is handling a spear. The spear could also read as long paddle. There are birds everywhere, including on his head. This is not the first time I have seen this gnarly nose. Sitting in in the stern there appears a possible family group with little human safely tucked next to the mother figure. Again birds flutter about to the right, where there appears to be an attached dingy. I suspect if the the little guy were to playfully grab that gnarly nose with that ancient baby human grip, it may be painful. Makes one wonder if it there maybe some pathology in that proboscis. There appears to be a family dog at the bow.
In the image below I have highlighted what may be one of the older boat designs. Boats are something I am really looking for. I am interested in their structure. The idea that humans were using large flying raptors as a resource is part of the design. The female with bushy dreads and large proboscis is again linked to the large raptor. This human link with large raptors would explain the idea of eyes in the skies. If humans were able to navigate as a crow flies, it explains the distribution of genes and technology of ancient times. I have also posted a link to some recent studies of ancient DNA. It is lovely article 👏. It sounds like the ancient may have been the true jetsetters. Ancient DNA showed genetic exchange between long distances 50,000 years ago, only to turn inward and local 20,000 years ago.
SAPIENS: What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20000 Years Ago.
In the Image below I am still struggling with the boat size. I believe there is more to the design, but there is enough to bring up a smaller character, meaning, probably a bigger boat. This time, what was the gnarly nose, is now the sailors hand as he works the steering and sails. It all goes to motion when you notice that he has two profiles, one looking upwards with bulbus nose and then a second profile looking down at his hand as he maneuvers the vessel. The artist were wonderful of putting images in motion. It is not suggesting that this human had two faces, it is suggesting that there was a lot of checking to maintain course, or maybe he is super thirsty and looking up hoping for rain. You can imagine with a thirsty old goat on board, drink would be vital, but if you keep looking there is a solution to the the fresh water supply.
The stories on the stones and monuments are often beneficial information. Here I will give you another story. Although it may have been deleted from the 10 commandments, at this point in time, it was in the design as vital for a healthy existence surviving the ice age.
The large animal skin has already two possible functions, as a sail and awing, now I am adding one more, water collection. In the image below I have tried to highlight the mast and sail with what appears to be a freshwater collection and distribution process. There is the vertical axis or the mast appears left center. It appears to be a literal tree with branches providing levers for steering crows nest, and boom for sail. The artist were very good at rendering textures such as hide/skin, or fur/feathers. or water/liquid. I will also add sponge to the textures.
What is being suggested here is that the sail/awing collects fresh water when it rains. When living on a boat out at sea humans need fresh water. If you look below there is a cluster of human activity along the vertical mast center left. What I am suggesting is that what was once a gnarly nose, is now reading as a sponge. I have highlighted the freshwater captured by the sail/awing in light blue in contrast to the blue-green salty ocean. The figure sitting on a sturdy branch left center is carefully diverting water from awing to a skin bucket and using the sponge to pass water to other humans aboard. If you look carefully, you can follow the sponge being passed to passenger sitting in the stern. The whole process is facilitated by the lady in red with bushy/dreaded red hair and large nose on the far right, as she helps tip the water towards the bucket. You can actually see the human handling spout diverting water into the bucket. Below the sponge brigade and skin bucket there is another person reaching for the dripping fresh drink with a cup.
Below I have started to record layers for the site on illustrator. I suspect that one could date the lava flow with knowledge of the earths magnetic field recorded using paleomagnetism, rocks are dated based on the occurrence of reversal's in Earth's magnetic poles. These types of pole reversals have occurred with irregular frequency every hundred thousand years or so in Earth's history. The link below describes this method in action. Please review.
For those folks who may be following the Raptor Maiden, Here we see her in her relaxed posture. She is displaying her talon foot wear. She sports her red bushy hair we are learning, is a way to spot her in the future. Thank you so much for looking.
I hope you folks are as amazed of what could be possible here. I am not sure the exact location of this particular basalt wall, but I understand it is located on Terceira Island of the Azores. As soon as I verify exactly where on the map, you will be the first to know, for now let us speculate it's location. It could be any of the sites below that fall under the description of vertical basalt wall of ancient lava flow into the ocean. After exploring the groins and coves that look almost designed intentionally to create safe harbors, the little lagoon to the right with a little groin of its own pointing left is a very interesting as a possible location for an ancient bas relief sculpture created by ancient humans.
If I speculate that the groins creating the harbor and lagoon are too good to be anything but manmade, then they could have been constructed by the early Portuguese shown below. If not someone before hand? Is it masonry or lava flowing in a very interesting way? These are HUGE questions to be answered! LOOKOUT! Don't laugh too hard. We are out on that limb, remember, but what a view.
In the next Image the human is a carefully maintaining sail and gear. If you look carefully you can actually make out the leggings and other fashions of the times. What I notice is here is the use the carefully harvested hide of what appears to be a goat skin. The person stepped into the hind legs, no seems necessary, perfect for an icy day out at sea. To the right there appears to be a dinghy like boat with a crew member handling what could be nets to harvest fish or rafting sleeping water fowl. Birds everywhere as usual.
The next topic is my favorite. I am really trying to sell this model. Any folks out there that taking this material seriously and are attempting to document please keep an eye out for this vessel. What I am making out is that they were constructing this craft out of the large carcass of the giant flying birds of the times. The bones would have been pneumatized, meaning full of air pockets to add to the buoyancy a bit like a Boston Whaler style boat or even a windsurfer. If there were bitumen to laminate the feathers it may have been super light and fast. depending on the design it may have had ballast stones for stability. In the image below I have included a helpful cartoon posted on face book to illustrate the use of skeletons of animals as building material.
Pelagornis sanderi, a giant member of the pseudo-toothed seabirds, which had toothlike points along the lines of their beaks that acted like true teeth and went extinct in the ice age. Pelagornis lived in South Carolina about 25 million years ago, and would have had a 20–25 foot wingspan and weighed between 50 and 90 lbs. It looks like good building material to me.
The following image is why I want to do this. I am so fascinated. I need to share this as real. It is happening, and we need to understand it.
Starting left center is a form highlighted below. Instead of a rolled awing is now a beautiful flying raptor dis playing it's wingspan. The large bird is on a perch on the mast of the vessel. You can scroll in and check out it's wing span. You can see the beak and talons as it grips its perch. Seated next to the great bird is a female in seated position. What we saw as a sponge is now the fancy talon footwear popular with these flying Raptor Maidens. Seated further down inside the boat is seated a lanky man. He is wearing a close fitting conical bird headdress. He has one hand on the steering and the other using a spear to stab a fierce looking fish with big sharp teeth. Once you get into the fishing scene, the fish start hopping, but we are not here to fish right now. We are here to figure out this boat design. I did my best at trying to highlight this possible boat design incorporating the carcasses of large birds. The more carcasses the bigger the boat. It could have multiple mast. As well as multiple bird propellers. A simple small version would be a fun ride.
There are may more boats and sailors here. I have included this last image to remind us that there were wooden boats and rafts. The folks of the time had good techniques for rendering wood. You can follow the structure of different applications of wood for navigation if you look. I also wanted to illustrate the use of the spear/arrow to skewer the rafting duck. Behind the man is a flurry of bird forms. Amazing.
What I thought was going to be a brief , real time exploration, turns into an at least 4 part series. I am back to trying to keep this brief and entertaining. I do enjoy working in this manner. The the super interesting material is endless. I am bringing in a few images of a Maine stone that may have some overlap in design with this basalt stone design on the Azores. You can explore them too below. Again thank you so much for looking. We all have access to this material. Please enjoy. We can all be part. Thank you.
P.S. The following are all the same garden stone with possible views, and will launch part II. Please enjoy!

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