Could this be Cro Magnon? Did he coexist with habilis?


          Hopefully there is enough confidence to identify our dig from the group above. This photo was taken in the early spring morning along the coast of Maine. Please take the time to look at all the other stones. Like art and the artists that produce it, they are unique to a place and time. The artist would be influenced by traditions and methods popular to their culture of their time. Each generation taking from the past and adding the present for the future. Fads and techniques had their hay day. One might think that erosion and patina is a sign of aging but it can be done intentionally over a short period. The signs of erosion can indicate age but it also can be explained by a good tumble with sand and water. The tumble with sand can be caused naturally but it can be done intentionally. The artist had options if he wanted a particular finish for the final product. Even the quality of patina can be intentionally created. The ancient human was well informed of the environment and its effects on stone. Even the concept of acid etchings using wax as resist was accessible using bile acid and bees wax. 

   So here we are back at our dig site. There are a lot of characters wrapped into one design. I could be wrong about this idea that there is a chronological arrangement to this material. I am comfortable with man made tools and the embellishments.  I am comfortable that there are patterns in the design that lead the viewer around the design.  I am hoping by mapping out some of the patterns that they may give some insight to time and dates. The artist intentions seem to be many at times. Could there be an effort to document the interbreeding of different humans? There are certainly profiles with different facial features. In the following image there is some observational digging around. There are other features here moving about the totem design. I don not want to over look them, so I have included them here. The color picked for highlighting is picked mostly to standout in contrast to the color of the stone. At this point the idea of a simple start to the time line is not happening. There is a cluster of faces that seem to want to work together. The faces seem closely knit . It would seem to indicate that they actually were together.  

     The cluster of morphing profiles appear to have their chin propped on a platform. There appears to be a suggestion to a cave entrance below the nose area. This is new to me. It is always a thrill to find new patterns. Now that we have located this possibility of a clustering of faces around a cave like structure, we will have to see if it is repeated in other totem stones. It would definitely be something to keep an eye out for. For now I will continue following the noses around the totem stone to match up the other full body archetypes. 

     This fellow with the long nose and protruding chin seems to share a space with Habilis. The bearded face gives some indication of time. I may be totally wrong and may be reaching too far. The Clovis folk that have been fascinating many for years show indications that they had little facial hair. As we have noted before, this particular stone is furry. Facial hair seems to be the trend of the times, so maybe this stone is indicating a pre-Clovis population. One can also start making out a reference to a feather design decoratively hanging down the side of the profile. the man's mustache morphs into a possible cave entrance. Could this represent the shared space between to very different humans? Each occupying the space differently. Both taking advantage of the hibernating cave bear for warmth. One group more cuddly with the bear, the other more terminal to the bear by the making of the bear cloak. The latter also with noted a feather/bird fetish.  

     Above is the bear cloak with human peering out. Rather than snuggling in with the bear in a hibernating stupor, the bear has been harvested to make a survival suit for the ice age. It also indicates an interest in the feathered friend. In this observational study one can start making out the presences of a mammoth shape with trunk and stumping feet, but the will be a vein to follow on another day.  Included below is a study of the feather with the long nosed fellow.

     There is a whisper of romance in the stone. The decorative feather looks comfortable hanging down framing the fellows face. He is looking quite fancy. But I am jumping ahead here.  I will continue on around the outer spiral of the totem profiles. I hope you all have your own stones by now. I look forward to sharing material so that this will become a group effort in finding the totem time line. As always, thank you for looking. 


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