Mapping out the Life Story of the Raptor maiden on the Perforated Stone of Terceira Island

I have not traveled in a long time due to the impact it creates on the planet, yet somehow I find myself on the rim of the caldera over looking the town of Ribeirinha on Terceira Island. I promise I rented a wonderful mountain bike and used it for most personal travel. Most of the rest of my transportation on the island was provided by my wonderful colleague Maria Brito. I hope she had as much fun as I had. On this particular day I was asked to focus my attention on the site with the perforated stone. I was dropped off by Brito for the afternoon to explore the change in the shadows in the stone as the sun set. It was a beautiful day among the cows. Initially, I was thinking that the stone may have been designed to be upright; a portal looking out to the sunset, but I changed my mind quickly after visiting the site. I am in total agreement with Brito that the stone is carved to be set in this position. The first form I saw when approaching the perpe...