Tracking down Lithic-Literature: Stones in the Americas dating back at least 20,000 years and they are amazing . Part I.

Skating on thin ice and discovering an incredible world. I am confident what I am finding is falling into place, but what a place it is! The time line for the artifacts is growing. With some agreement on the dates of some of the artifacts going back to at least 20,000 years in North America. We have artifacts coming from Africa dating back over 1million years to Erectus. We also have some interesting timeline adjustments with new a-DNA findings. With the artifacts and timelines we are better equipped to explore when this Lithic Literature began to take hold. But before we dive into that topic, I would like to comment about thin ice I referred to earlier. The cool thing about thin ice at times is the clarity. You can feel the ice bend as you skate. As all rushes before you, skimming on top a clear vision of the underwater landscape. This feeling occurs at times when looking at certain archeological sites. Some refer to the feeling as being out on a...