A closer look at the article on the fossilized circles on sand in South Africa brought to you by Lithic Literature.

A closer look at the article on the fossilized circles on sand in South Africa. https://phys.org/news/2024-05-fossilized-circles-sand-south-africa.html I am here in the state of Maine where I have found a design etched in stone that appears in other parts of the world. I have been working at bringing this design to light. I believe this material etched in stone by earlier humans can be dated. I believe it has a lot of data of what the early humans knew and thought about the world around them. I have been calling it Lithic Literature. There have been complaints by some academics that it is just repetitive icons that offer little information. I am here to reinforce that the design carries on like a narrative deep into the mind of the ancient humans. Below I have taken one of the images offered by the article and changed the lighting to better highlight what is happening in the design. Please take a moment and look at the image and let you brain linger a moment. This lingering ...